I realized that I’ve been posting a lot of photos over on my Facebook page and on the Model Railroad Forums site, but neglecting my blog. I feel kind of like the blog is for larger posts with more detail.
But I’ve noticed that some of the model railroad blogs I follow post long articles, some post mostly single photos and some a mix. So I’m going to try and remember to post more things here that are shorter, or single photos.
I’ve been having more fun building freight cars, details and buildings instead of working on the layout or running trains, mainly because my turnouts on the layout have been causing me some trouble – but that’s another post. So here are some photos and descriptions of some of what I’ve been building.
The garbage cans sent me down a rabbit hole about what dumpsters were available in the late 50’s. Believe it or not the info is out there on the internet along with very good photos of 50’s vintage garbage trucks. Nobody makes models of 50’s vintage garbage trucks so I’m scratch building one. But that’s another blog post when it’s finished.
The flat cars are dated 1963, but I can back-date them to pre-1958 because the Great Northern started using TOFC around 1954. These models came assembled and weathered.
The details included the winterization hatch and cold weather windows that came with the model and I added a “fire cracker” radio antenna, a bell and some re-railers. I still have a snow plow to add.
This reefer is a little old for my layout, but I figure I can patch the re-weigh date a little closer to 1959 (it’s currently 1931) and besides, it’s my layout.
That’s all I currently have for this update, but I need to write some more posts about other things I’ve been doing and building.